League rules
Q In the absence of a handbook, where can I find the League rules?
A The rules can be found by clicking on the 'Summer 2025' tab, and left clicking on the button to the right of the printer icon for each division.
Move to timed events
Q Why has the league moved to 9 timed events, rather than 14 traditional sets per match?
A The combination of fewer events with time limits gives more certainty about match durations and reduces time spent sitting out, especially for ladies.
Loaned players
Q Why will loaned players be allowed to play?
A It is recognised that some clubs are struggling to field teams of 6 players. It is preferable to allow clubs with a surplus of players to loan out players in limited circumstances, to reduce instances of matches or events being conceded.
Swapping venues
Q Can we swap venues, especially early in the season, when days are shorter, or if we have a problem with court availability?
A Yes – no problem, so long as both captains agree, you also swap the reverse fixture and let the Match Secretary know.
Rearranging matches
Q I am struggling for courts for a rearranged match. Can we go beyond 31st August?
A No - rule 2e is very clear. Any match not played by 31st August will be declared null and void.
Q Our match was originally scheduled after 11th June, but was postponed. Do I still have to offer 3 dates within 28 days of the fixture?
A Yes – rule 2h merely limits how many times the match can be rearranged. Rule 2fi still applies to offering dates.
Q Some of my key players are on holiday now, so can I go beyond 28 days for rearranging the match?
A No. Rule 2fi says nothing about being able to field the same strength side. The 28 day limit always applies.
Eligible players
Q Can a player play for 2 of our teams in the same week?
A Yes.
Wet weather
Q Who decides whether the courts are fit to play?
A Rule 5a clearly states that the two captains are the sole judges of whether the courts are fit to play.
Bonus points
Q When is a bonus point awarded?
A When the losing team wins at least 3 events.