Timed events
For the 2025 season timed events will again be played. There are 9 events in a match.
Each event will be played to a time-limited duration, with five minutes allowed for changeover between events. At 3 court clubs the duration will be 45 minutes each, at Clarksfield 30 minutes, 35 from 1st June. The event timings are set out on the scorecard.
If a player has not arrived to play the first point by 6.45pm, the first event will be forfeited in favour of their opponents. If the missing player delays the start of subsequent events, each delayed event shall be forfeited in favour of their opponents.
So long as 5 games have been completed, the score at the end of the time limit decides the result of the event. If a game that can influence the result of the event is still in progress at the end of the time limit, that game shall be played to a finish. If the scores are level, the event is halved.
If at least 6 events have been played in an incomplete match, the result stands. If not, the match should be rearranged.
The team winning more events wins the match and is given three points, two points each for a draw, and the losing team is given one point, if it wins at least 3 events.
At the end of the season only one team will be relegated and promoted
The full League rules can be found by clicking on the 'Summer 2025' tab, and then left clicking on the button to the right of the printer icon for each division.